YLK Ambassador – Rachel Petheram of Catkin – Florist, Tutor, lover of “Woo” and all round beautiful soul

Taking a moment to reflect in the Power of Nature and its benefits

It is easy to become overwhelmed with the stress and worry of the situation we find ourselves in and it may be that we are spending a lot of time in our heads. As our normal routines are disrupted it is easy for our mind to become full of worry – lots of ‘what ifs’ and ‘I shoulds’ and ‘I feel bad because…..’

There are many ways that we can overcome this – meditation, breathing properly and exercise, to name a few, and these are really important to weave into your routine. Sometimes though the feeling of being overwhelmed means that we are overcome with lethargy and can’t find the energy to do even the most simple things. This is not unusual – our sleep cycles may be disrupted, we may feel on high alert all the time, adjusting to ‘a new normal’ is energy sapping. We then find that we don’t have the energy to do the things that make us feel better so we continue to worry, which saps our energy further and so it’s a vicious cycle.

One very simple thing you can do to take you out of your head for a while and help you to feel more grounded is to connect with nature. The idea that spending time in nature can make you feel better is intuitive – we all know it and feel it. Researchers are amassing a body of evidence, proving what we all know to be true: nature is good for us and has both long and short term mental and physical health benefits. Previous research in environmental psychology has shown that a natural environment has a positive effect on well-being through restoration from stress and attentional fatigue. It has been termed ‘Vitamin G’ where G stands for the green space around us. It could also stand for grounding because being in nature does exactly that – it takes us out of our heads and helps us to feel more balanced.


We all know the benefits of gardening: good exercise, having something to nurture and tend, the myriad benefits of soil. But many people don’t have access to a garden, or have the time to spend in it, and many don’t have access to beautiful surroundings outside, but ‘nature’ doesn’t have to be a garden or a national park – it is just being in contact with plants. A 2008 study found that hospital patients who had flowers in their room felt less anxious. They were also more positive about their recovery and needed less post-operative care than patients without plants. In 2005 a team of researchers explored the link between flowers and life satisfaction. The results show that flowers are a natural and beneficial moderator of moods. From an energetic perspective this makes total sense, flowers are living entities whose unique vibratory pattern (i.e. energy) can be deeply healing.

I have been working with flowers for 18 years and it is very clear to me that working with flowers has a profound effect on people – over and above the pure joy that creating luscious arrangements can bring. Flowers have different ‘personalities’, each one has its own energetic signature and we may be drawn to different flowers at different times depending on our own needs.

A simple exercise to tune in to the healing properties of flowers and to take you out of your head for a while would be to choose a flower – it can simply be a flower picked from a verge, or a flower bought in a supermarket, but make sure it is something that you are drawn to. Take that flower and hold it in your hand. Or if it’s growing somewhere and you can’t pick it then just look at the flower where it is growing. If you have no access to flowers then just looking at a picture of one would also help. Sit and really look at it. Look at it as if it’s the first time you’ve ever seen a flower. Discover what it actually looks like. Notice the shape of the petals, notice the texture – is it velvety, is it satiny? Really look at the colour – is it one colour, is it many colours? Does it have a fragrance? Does it remind you of anything, does it take you anywhere? When thoughts and emotions come up, notice them, and then gently redirect your attention to the flower in front of you. Let the flower fill up the whole of your focus for a while. This simple practice will make you feel calmer, will relax your body and practiced regularly can help us to connect to our true selves. It will help to bring you out of your head and back into your body and hopefully bring you some calmness, clarity and focus so you can take further steps to enhance your wellbeing.

Rachel is an Artisan florist, flower grower and teacher. Creating abundant arrangements that reflect the seasons. Using nature intuitively to restore and renew.  She runs courses and personal training in all things floral, guiding you in your health and wellbeing as well as building your floral knowledge and skills.

You can reach Rachel via insta @catkinflowers, facebook @CatkinEnglishFlowers and on the www @ www.catkinflowers.com.  Stay tuned here for more from Rachel in the coming months!

With love from

the Team


Phone: 0330 1132 739
Holly House, Queens Crescent,
United Kingdom, Lincoln, LN1 1LR