Ruth Karan

We are really happy to introduce Ruth Karan – Tarot Card Reader, Reiki Master, Writer, and Historian – as a member of our team. Her insights and abilities have enabled a lot of our clients to gain clarity and understanding of their journey. Her passion for writing shows through all her readings and talents that she has. If you would like to book a Tarot Reading, go to our shop, or contact Ruth     HERE


Tarot, as you may know, embodies the cycles of change and transformation that naturally happen through our lives, flowing from past to present, present to future. The past can show us many things that we are not always able to see, and revealing those hidden parts of our history, tied to us now in the present, we can start to pull apart the weave we have created in the fabric of our lives.

My historical research runs much in the same way, as it focuses on the folkloric, ritual, and emotional practice of concealing items of dress in historical homes; a silent practice that is only revealed in the deconstruction of these hidden spaces. The landscapes, stories, and material remains of the past still affect us now, their energy always changing and bringing to the light what we have neglected to see before. What keeps us tethered through these cycles of change is our emotional contribution to the lived experiences in our everyday lives, something we can see reflected again from past to present, present to future.

Much of my historical understanding informs my tarot practice, as I find it is important to keep in our memory the past so we can reform it for the future. If you are interested in finding out more about my historical research, please feel free to visit my   newsletter here. This sense of magic and shared energy, whether it is simply from patterns we can recognise from history or the shared experience of touching and holding remains of the past, is something very real and clarifying in both tarot and my historical research.

As a writer and tarot reader, I started Journey Through Tarot providing written tarot readings. I now offer in-person and online readings as well, but there is much to cherish in a written reading as it is something you can keep with you, guiding you forward: a little piece of magic that connects us closer to our internal worlds. I am very much a believer in walking the lines between the spiritual and the physical, and understanding what we can learn from both.

Want to start your Journey Through Tarot? Find out more about what I offer HERE.

Phone: 0330 1132 739
Holly House, Queens Crescent,
United Kingdom, Lincoln, LN1 1LR