We often hear people talk about Life being for Living – it can be the simplest thing to do and yet so difficult sometimes. People tell us they never know which way to turn or what it is that they actually need to truly live their lives.
In an age where we are blessed to have so many choices, options and information at our fingertips for some this can cause confusion. If you lack clarity and direction in your own life the plethora of choices can be overwhelming. Social media for example may give a platform for you to easily compare your life against others. Comparing what you have and what you don’t have will cause you to be against yourself. Human beings only seek and absorb the evidence that supports the story they are telling themselves. By constantly comparing yourself to others you are compounding the negative story you are telling yourself…for example ‘I am not enough’, ‘I am not good enough’, ‘I will only be happy when…’ etc.
Learn to be happy now… in the now… look at what you have and be truly thankful for it. Practice appreciation.
One of the fundamental things that is often forgotten is that happiness, passion and desires are not necessarily what other people do, say or think . When you have self awareness and self understanding you will be your own guide to what will make you feel happy and successful – contented within your life.
When you truly know yourself, you will understand what it is you want
Tips to help you get started…
- Take positive, fulfilling time out for you…smile and appreciate the time you give for yourself
- Make a journal and write down every week a few things that you feel grateful for
- Make a map of where you are in yourself, and if you use negative words please change them…your first map be honest, then do another map with more positive words.