The Journey to Empowerment
October 20 @ 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
£147.00The Journey – Starts Here
Taking a journey to empower yourself can sometimes feel daunting and on occasions it can feel hard, difficult, and may even require you to roll your sleeves up and get stuck in. It is however exciting and, of course, empowering at the same time! The key element needed to empower yourself is to know the story that has been running your life.
The story that we tell ourselves can come from our life experiences – which can be negative and positive – and can cloud our perspective of our own life. It might have even started before you were even aware. And this story might have been empowering your life up till NOW.
When I was younger, my childhood was definitely colourful, interesting and insightful, but not something that you would want any child to go through. The pain and suffering, and hardships, that I went through caused me to be very ill. I discovered I could use this pain to change and influence my life in a more positive way. At the time, I did not appreciate how much the trauma had impacted my life – I thought that my experiences were an example of just how life was. I hadn’t understood that life could be different, that it could be what I had wanted it to be. But when I did understand, I was still trapped and stuck as I didn’t know how to change it.
Take the steps needed for you
Until you see the stories that are running your life – the perspective which you have created of your own life – and the impact it has had, you will remain limited and stuck.
With no fault of your own, I am sure that you will all be able to recall a story that has influenced your life, and like myself at one time, you may feel like you are a prisoner to your past experiences. Maybe you haven’t come to that understanding yet, but you will. Once you see, understand and accept the story that you carry, you will become aware of the patterns and behaviours that have been created within your life. You then have a choice…to remain where you are or to choose to see things through a different lens! This is what the journey is all about: learning from our own experiences (be they nice or negative) and turning them into something empowering and transformative.
Empowerment is at the foundation of all we seek to help you achieve. Standing fully in YOU, in your own power, positively enhances and expands all areas of your life. It is the place from which everything flows with ease. This theme runs through our one-to-ones and all of our work, yet it is so powerful and transformative it has become a group event in its own right – The Journey to Empowerment.
Yvette created this event after meeting Tony Robbins and sharing her story with thousands of how she healed herself from a tumour and illness, and turned her life around. She will never forget how Tony Robbins shouted at the top of his very loud deep voice, ‘this lady knows how to do it’, and encouraged Yvette to share her understanding with you.
Let’s join together and create the space needed to make the change…don’t be a hostage to your pain, loss, disappointments, habits, and patterns…life is precious…embrace it!
Yvette will share with you her story and the understandings she came to when she turned her life around. She will share the tools you need to untangle your issues and see where you truly are – to shed the story you have been telling yourself and bring in the other perspectives you need to stand back and make a change. How you interact with your past and present life is incredibly important within this understanding and Yvette will shine a light on how to move forward. Looking back doesn’t need to be painful and it is true that your past is your past; it happened and you won’t be able to change that. But you can change how you feel about it and how you interact with it.
When you connect with others and share your experiences, you will feel uplifted, supported, safe, and you will truly not feel alone. This is an interactive workshop designed to create a supportive environment for you to begin this journey for change, using a variety of exercises and activities which will challenge your current perspective in life and begin to see it from another perspective. It will also include:
- Finding your story
- Making peace with your story
- Understanding that ‘I am not enough’ is not acceptable
- How to use your past to create the power you want
- Using ‘The Art of language’ to create change in your confidence, trust, friendships, and love
- Finding the answers from within
- Using the ‘The Honesty Test’ to help you move forward
- Creating the direction that is right for you
The only person who can truly empower you… is YOU! However, many people believe they don’t know how to empower themselves. This event will show you the true story you are telling yourself, what’s causing it and how to change it. Our inner language is the true key. The team at YLK Mentors will teach you how simple it is to gain the tools for yourself; to stand strong within yourself and be empowered with everything that you have ever been.
“…I found Yvette’s personal story and the exercises she engaged us in to be extremely powerful. By the end of the workshop, with the support of Yvette and the girls who attended, I felt a huge weight off my shoulders, that I was brave, that I was strong, that I was going to be OK. It literally felt like a journey to empowerment. I know I have a long way to go but thank you to Yvette for planting those seeds and asking the right questions” –Gabriella (Australia)
Come and join us on a journey to empower YOU… don’t let life drag or push you. When you know and truly understand where you are then you can change your life and fulfil your dreams.
Join us on our next date Let’s do it