Reiki Advanced -12th October 2024

These is an in person event  Reiki Advanced honours your relationship with the Reiki and the role your intuition plays in helping others.     Reiki Advanced is the next step in your Reiki Journey once you have completed the Reiki Two...

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Kerry’s Story

Kerry’s Story

So many adults feel embarrassed to even tell friends that they are fearful of the water let alone why. That’s how I ended up in trouble in deep water! I understand how you feel. This was me as a teenager. I wasn’t scared of the water then but I...

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Reiki 1 & 2 Combined

Give yourself the opportunity to grow and work with you   What happens on this exciting weekend… The best thing about this weekend is the interaction between the mixture of Reiki I and Reiki II students within the group. You gain first...

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Reiki Two

Help others on their path    Level Two Reiki   isn’t just about becoming a practitioner, some of you may not want to take this step, but it is also about sharing and giving the energy to you, your friends and your family. When you began your...

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Phone: 0330 1132 739
Holly House, Queens Crescent,
United Kingdom, Lincoln, LN1 1LR